
Tim Kaine does impression of Trump with ‘believe me’ speech

As for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Kaine painted the former secretary of state as a trustworthy candidate who is ready – or “lista” – to take over as commander-in-chief of the United States.


During a Wednesday speech in Scranton, Pa., Trump used “believe me” half a dozen times.

Kaine’s first appearance Saturday as Clinton’s vice presidential pick received largely positive reviews – perhaps because the expectations were so low.

Obama entered the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia with a 51 percent job approval rating – the exact same rating as outgoing President Ronald Reagan at this point July 1988, according to Gallup’s Job Approval Center.

The speech was to come on the third night of a Democratic convention that has moved steadily from a scene of raucous division to a display of party unity and enthusiasm for its presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

And he mentioned the Trump opposition of former First Lady Barbara Bush and Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

He’s offering a tough critique of businessman Donald Trump, saying, “I’m a New Yorker and I know a con when I see one”. “Me in spandex”, he said, “that’s not what we want out on the web”. Secret Service agents took up posts near the stage before he appeared, and the national press corps jockeyed for position alongside Virginia reporters. When he needed, he delivered the requisite barbs against Republican rival Donald Trump.

“I trust Hillary Clinton with our son’s life”, Kaine said.

“Folks, you can not believe one word that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth, not one word”, he said, calling Trump a “self-promoting one-man wrecking crew” who ripped off contractors and hurt Trump University students.

Before his speech, convention attendees saw a three-minute video extolling Tim Kaine’s record – including a powerful speech he made when Virginia governor after the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. If you don’t know which piece of newsworthy fodder is greater-well, then I have no hope for this country. “She’s ready because of her faith”.

Like his, it seemed tailored to reach swing voters in suburban districts who might normally vote Republican but are turned off by Donald Trump. “She’s ready because of her heart”.

You could nearly hear Hillary Clinton’s staff exhale.

Clinton’s would-be vice president addressed the nation, attacking Trump in both English and Spanish, and giving props to U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont.

In a routine where he frequently broke into an impression of Trump, Kaine argued that Trump makes phony promises, won’t offer policy details, and rips off ordinary mom “n” pop small-business owners.

Jordyn Tannenbaum, a delegate from Northampton, Pa., saw Kaine as a solid choice who could appeal to moderate Republicans who are “frustrated with their own ticket”. I’m sorry, no-you have no idea.


Kaine says if he’s good at his work, it’s because he “started at the local level listening to people, learning about their lives and trying to get results”.

Sen. Tim Kaine to hold homecoming rally in Richmond Monday