
Tim Kaine, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton campaign in North Carolina Tuesday

With Labor Day behind them, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are battling over national security in the South’s top presidential battlegrounds. “I’m going to continue to raise this, because I think it is a fundamental issue about him in this campaign that we’re going to talk about in one way or another for the next 62 days, because he clearly has something to hide”.


One poll by NBC- the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll – shows that Hillary Clinton nationwide still holds a six-point lead over Donald Trump in a head-to-head race.

She took questions for more than 20 minutes on her plane for a second straight day. John McCain, a former prisoner of war.

TRUMP: Then we’ll have to make a determination what happens when the border is secure.

The ad is airing in key states including Ohio, Florida, Iowa, Nevada and Pennsylvania.

The conflicting messages come as the candidates prepare to court voters in Southern states with significant veteran populations.

Trump, the Republican nominee, is set to campaign in Virginia and North Carolina on Tuesday, two critical states in his path to the presidency.

Clinton mentioned his criticism of Gold Star father Khizr Khan, which drew condemnation around the time of the Democratic Convention, exclaiming, “A man who is so wrong about our veterans isn’t right to serve as our commander-in-chief”.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign fired back at Donald Trump’s suggestion that Clinton didn’t have a “presidential look”.

The Republican nominee also slammed Clinton for telling the Federal Bureau of Investigation that she did not know what the letter “C” represents in the classification system, just two days after he said in a tweet that the marking “stood for CLASSIFIED”, which is incorrect.

Despite Donald Trump being an uber-capitalist, not that many corporate nabobs are backing him; they don’t trust his competence in economic matters. They described her as relishing going after Trump on this topic because she feels she knows it well and he doesn’t.

Trump spoke in an interview aired Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America”.

Trump is referring to a statement Clinton made last week following his last-minute visit with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto in the country’s capital. Clinton added, as though to acknowledge the slight irony of her initial comment.

Trump adviser Karen Giorno says the campaign is working for every vote but she also emphasizes Trump’s appeal to “that silent majority that’s had enough”.

He added, “She didn’t have the energy to go to Louisiana. And we’d be far less safe”, Kaine said.

The former secretary of state said she is concerned about “credible reports about Russian government interference in our elections”. While Clinton is a very unpopular candidate in the US, Trump’s outlandish comments and bombastic bravado have gotten him into hot water with moderate voters.

Clinton has previously tied Russian intelligence services to the cyber hack on the Democratic National Committee.

The Democratic vice presidential nominee, who is a member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees and has a son serving overseas in the Marine Corps, flexed his foreign policy muscles in remarks primarily focused on Clinton’s Republican rival and the contrasts between the two candidates on national security.

He says Hillary Clinton, like any president, needs a “solid partner” in the White House.

With Monday’s Labour Day holiday kicking off the final dash to Election Day, Mrs Clinton took pains to make herself more than available to reporters traveling with her, after almost nine months without holding a formal press conference.

At least two of her mobile devices were reported destroyed by a staff using a hammer and BleachBit software to wipe unwanted emails.


Showing his returns would end speculation from Trump detractors like billionaires Warren Buffet and Mark Cuban, who say Trump’s finances aren’t as impressive as he says they are.