
Tim Kaine says Hillary Clinton has learned from email ‘mistake’

Chris might have been asking her a different question. “If I misspoke”, she eventually said, “that was just a misstatement”.


The ongoing email scandal, along with the Democratic presidential nominee’s admission that her brain briefly “short-circuited“, has given the GOP an opening to launch a new line of attack against her. Even though Wallace was clearly asking Clinton whether she had been truthful with the American public, she chose to answer a different question: whether she had lied in her interview with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

1, she insisted the Federal Bureau of Investigation head had said she was telling the truth to the public all those months she was insisting she never used her home-brewed server for e-mails “marked classified”, and that the only secret info she’d sent or received was stuff that was only classified years later.

“She was saying what Director Comey acknowledged to be true, that when she spoke to the Federal Bureau of Investigation… the FBI thought her answers in that setting were truthful”.

“But Congressman Becerra, she didn’t short-circuit, and we didn’t talk past each other”, Wallace said. Top Republicans say Mrs. Clinton merely has found a new way to avoid admitting that she’s lied repeatedly to the public.

Kaine defended her on “Meet the Press” and suggested that Wallace and Clinton were talking past each other during the interview. I would encourage people to look back at on July 7, and listen carefully to the questioning of FBI Director Comey by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

WALLACE: She didn’t say I didn’t intend to send classified material. A favorite trick of Fox News is the deceptive video edit, and nowhere has the right been guilty of more deceptive editing and parsing that FBI Director’s comments about Hillary Clinton’s emails.

It is not a coincidence that the media, especially Fox News and conservative-leaning outlets, became obsessed again with Hillary Clinton’s emails after a wave of polls showed Donald Trump tanking as the Republican nominee.

This is a better performance for Hilary Clinton who had lower trustworthiness numbers earlier this year. Kaine did not grant that Clinton’s public trust problem would still be a big story in a month, however. “I have no idea whether they will allow the nomination to be taken up”.

Trump’s insinuation that Hillary has been brainwashed resonates with his loyal followers, many of whom believe she is under Illuminati MK Ultra mind control. This suggests that Trump’s strategy did not work well for him.


Time will tell if Hillary Clinton can maintain her lead going into November.

Kaine dos