
Tim Tebow won’t speak at Republican convention

The RNC and Trump campaign did not immediately respond to TheWrap’s separate requests for comment.


As the visualization shows, 22 GOPers – including the last two Republican presidents and the last two Republican presidential candidates – have said they will not attend the convention.

They say they are working to muster 28 signatures from the Rules Committee – one-fourth of the members – by the opening of the convention Monday.

But the anti-Trump forces, led by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, needed the support of only a quarter of the 112-member panel’s votes to force their proposal to a vote in front of the full convention next week.

“Not that political views mean anything in this year, but, because I believe in constitutionally limited government, (Trump’s) candidacy is one I certainly can’t support”, he said in March. We have too many people who want to speak. “They were never there”.

But the movement failed to change the rules to allow delegates to vote for the nominee of their choice, and Ashley, Michael Garrison and delegates Ben Clymer Jr. and Gina Nestande said they’re committed to Trump. Ted Cruz. “There’s no shock here, this was expected”.

Jack McInerney, a Trump delegate from Will County, said he expects to see more trouble outside the convention hall than inside.

For those that are still undecided between Trump and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, both delegates stress how important it is to get out and vote and pick someone based on their values.

“I think the support for Trump is growing”, said Bolingbrook Mayor Roger Claar, an at-large delegate who supports Trump.

Earlier Thursday, talks between top party officials and recalcitrant conservatives broke down, increasing the odds of nationally televised clashes during next week’s sessions on other GOP rules that leaders have hoped to avoid.

“I wake up this morning to find out that I’m speaking at the Republican National Convention”, Tebow said in a video posted on his Facebook page.

“The rules committee is not granting us any rights”, Unruh told ABC News.

By the end of next week, delegates will officially decide if Donald Trump will be on the presidential ticket in November.

Many of Oklahoma’s delegates said they plan to visit the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, which will feature an exhibit during the convention that explores music’s impact on public opinion called “Louder Than Words: Rock, Power and Politics”, according to its website.


“I don’t think that even if this did get to the convention floor there’s a majority of delegates who are willing to do something so unprecedented … and wrangle the nomination from someone who duly won the nomination”, Moore said, discussing the possibility of a minority report being submitted to the floor. The said convention is something different, aside form the fact that he never committed in the first place.

Republican panel leaves anti-Trump move gasping for breath