
Time and place announced for Hillary Clinton event in Orlando

She was speaking at the Frontline Outreach Family and Youth Center in Orlando, Florida.


People with disabilities “have so much to offer, but are given too few chances to prove it”, she said.

Clinton’s campaign and Democrats view Trump’s attacks on New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski, whose arthrogryposis impairs the movements in her arm, as their most effective character attack against the Republican nominee.

Instead, Clinton focused Wednesday on building support among disabled Americans – also in contrast to Trump, who once mocked a disabled journalist.

“We’ve got to do better and I know we can”.

Clinton said America is safer “when communities respect the police and the police respect communities”.

If elected, Clinton said she would work to make colleges more accessible, increase economic opportunities for people with disabilities and eliminate lower minimum wage standard for their paychecks. “I’ve always believed that the ultimate test of society is how we treat our fellow humans, especially those most vulnerable among us. And on this front, I intend for my presidency to move our country forward”. She said the shootings add two more names “to a long list of African-Americans killed by police officers”.

She also mentioned the police officers targeted in Philadelphia last week and protests in North Carolina that left several police officers injured.

Wednesday’s speech is Clinton’s fourth in a series of addresses where the former first lady is attempting to talk more about her values and proposals and less about Trump.


After the speech Wednesday, the aide said, Clinton will be “the only candidate with a plan for an economy that includes more people with disabilities”. Instead, she invoked her rival by saying: “We don’t thrive on tearing each other apart or separating ourselves”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visits talks with a group of little kids as she visits a polling place a Southeast Raleigh Magnet High School in Raleigh N.C. Tuesday