
Time for GOP panic? Establishment anxious Carson or Trump might win

“For us, it’s not the time to panic yet”. The AP survey shows 12 of the 16 delegates who include officeholders and party insiders support Hillary Rodham Clinton for Democratic nominee.


My read of the debate is that there is a grain of truth in that analysis, but only a grain. “Maybe it violates my job description as a spokesperson to be speechless but I think in this case, I am”, he said.

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush greets supporters at the Sunshine Summit in Orlando on Friday. Ted Cruz over the issue. “They hate us because our girls go to school”, he said of terrorists. While billionaires like the Kochs are gleefully shelling out cash to “dark money” schemes, other major donors are holding back before they decide which candidate they’d like to pay for.

And if the Republican Party really does have a Goldwater moment, then the elite should pat themselves on the back, because it’s their arrogance and refusal to listen to the voters – and to be far more inclusive, and broaden the party’s base past angry white men – that will have made all this possible. Republican primary voters do not seem interested in accelerating the retreat. The consensus response from the GOP field is a big collective shrug.

In the last Republican presidential debate, Bush criticized Trump’s call for mass deportations of immigrants living in the country illegally, calling it an impractical plan that would benefit Democrats with Hispanic voters.

This being the season of giving thanks, thankfully we have five weeks before we see Donald Trump and Ben Carson on the debate stage again.

There were two Republican debates this week, one year out from the election.

Indeed, these two candidates give the impression of not having thought deeply about foreign policy and of not yet having mastered their respective briefs. Though neither has moved into the Trump/Carson level, many observers believe that the race will eventually be between these two, once the inevitable implosion of Trump and Carson has occurred. Consider, for instance, when Trump railed about the dangers of passing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal because of Chinese perfidy, only to have it pointed out to him that China is not now party to the TPP deal. In the GOP debate last week and in subsequent campaign stops, Cruz argued that if the Republican Party embraces “amnesty” it would lose the general election.

“I’m not going to sit here and say one of them worries me more (than) the other”, Pepper said.

Rubio was the first to speak and said he was the first candidate to sign the paperwork to get on the Florida primary ballot.

GOP Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, another candidate for president, infuriated colleagues earlier in the year when he single-handedly forced a temporary lapse in the Patriot Act, enacted to assist law enforcement and the intelligence community in coping with extremist threats against the US, and issued fundraising appeals to highlight his stance.

Donald Trump’s talk of a border wall and deportation squads may play well with conservatives in Iowa, New Hampshire and SC, but it has seriously damaged the Republican brand with most Latinos.

Donald Trump was quick to point out he’s ahead in Florida polls, claiming a new poll shows he has more than twice the support Rubio has here. Jeb Bush sent out a mass email before the event began, asking all his “friends” to send him a dollar so he’d “know you’re at home cheering me on”.


It’s going to be very hard for the media to take Trump and Carson out; they’ve been firing their heavy artillery and done little damage. They want to make good on promises to repeal “Obamacare” in its entirety, rather than a more targeted repeal approved recently by the House. Clinton emerged unscathed, if not strengthened, from her testimony before the House Select Committee on Benghazi. But that has proven to be the farthest from the truth.

Republican presidential candidate Senator Marco Rubio participates