
Time for nation to stand up to the NRA

Mark Wilson/Getty Images President Barack Obama is considering closing a loophole that allows gun vendors who sell a significant amount of guns each year to do so without performing background checks.


Meanwhile, the Oregon community Obama is choosing to exploit in the name of gun control is protesting his visit and gun free zones by the hundreds today. You know, the NRA’s position reminds me of negotiating with the Iranians or the communists.

“Our thoughts and prayers are not enough”, the president said last Thursday in a statement from the White House briefing room. “It does not capture the heartache and grief and anger that we should feel”. Yet such very bad numbers never add up to legislation that might curb the carnage, so strong is the pro-gun lobby and so deep-rooted the belief among many Americans that they have a “God-given right” to own weapons. The shooter killed nine people before taking his own life during a shootout with police, in what was the 142nd school shooting since Sandy Hook, in December 2012, when six teachers and 20 children were killed.

Democrats want to make it impossible for the good citizens of our country to get a gun the legal way. Pat Toomey, a Pennsylvania Republican, said a little more than two years ago, as he reached across the aisle and cosponsored a bill with Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia. Those ideas center on improving background checks and curbing illegal gun sales to keep weapons from the many unstable people behind these shootings.

First, a majority of guns that are used in crimes, specifically mass shootings, are not registered legally. These retailers would then be subject to the same laws regarding background checks which apply to current gun dealers.

Merkley and Wyden were both in Roseburg last Friday to express their condolences, and said they would save a discussion about future legislation for another day.

“It’s hard to believe anyone who sells 50 firearms in a year is only selling their personal firearms and not ‘engaged in the business, ‘ ” Winkler said.

“One of the challenges we have with the background system is often times, due to privacy concerns, centered individuals are not entered into the data base”, he said. Bishop Miles is a leader in the Industrial Areas Foundation’s (IAF) national network of interfaith, interracial community organizations.

In September, the Federal Bureau of Investigation processed 1,795,102 applications for gun purchases, the most ever for that month.

The USA has become a virtual armed camp, with an estimated one gun for every American.

Their proposals would prohibit sales of firearms to “all domestic abusers” and ensure that no one can buy a gun without a completed background check.


A few of us see no problem with a federal background check on all gun buys.

Gun buyback