
Time is running out on that free Windows 10 upgrade

If you haven’t upgraded to Windows 10 yet, no one is blaming you because Microsoft’s latest Operating System still has glitches and problems but if you are considering it you should do it as soon as possible.


In an announcement of 300 million Windows 10 users, Microsoft has started driving awareness of the July 29th date. “After 29 July, you’ll be able to continue to get Windows 10 on a new device, or purchase a full version of Windows 10 Home for $119”, said Microsoft’s Yusuf Mehdi.

Microsoft is also seeing an increase in gaming on Windows 10, claiming that the company has witnessed more than nine billion hours of gameplay on the new platform since its launch.

Windows 10 is now officially running on 300 million devices, as announced today in a blogpost by Microsoft. While upgrades to Apple’s Mac OS have been available at no cost for years, until last year Windows had managed to continually dominate the OS market while charging users a premium for the latest version. The price for Windows 10 when the upgrade offer ends would be at $120, which is too expensive for some.

In March alone, over 63 billion minutes were spent on Microsoft Edge. That apparently means they’ve all been used in the last 28 days, just in case you thought they might be padding their stats by including systems that had been updated and then shelved.

Microsoft has an ambitious goal of getting Windows 10 on a billion devices by 2018. Over 144 million customers are using the Windows 10 Photos app, which is rather creepy when you consider that Microsoft knows when you’re looking at pictures on its operating system. As the company had promised a year ago, Windows 10 free upgrade offer will end on July 29.

The Windows 10 Mobile OS update came out for the users of many older Nokia Lumia phones such as Lumia 1520, 930, 640, 640XL, 730, 735, 830, 532, 535, 540, 635 1GB, 636 1GB, 638 1GB, 430, 435, BLU Win HD w510u, BLU Win HD LTE x150q, and the MCJ Madosma Q501 devices. Windows 10 was designed ground up after the disappointing reactions to Windows 8 from users. In fact If you do choose to update your operating system you would be able to get all the latest features that Windows 10 users are now enjoying.


The adoption speed has likely been ramped up by Microsoft’s move to make Windows 10 available as a free upgrade through July 29.

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