
Times Backs Clinton, Says Sanders Lacks Her Experience and Policy Ideas

The piece said his boldest proposals such on banks and health care reform have earned him support among alienated middle-class voters and young people “but his plans for achieving them aren’t realistic, while Mrs. Clinton has very good, and achievable, proposals in both areas”. Ted Cruz, saying they are “equally objectionable for different reasons”. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio has forgotten his “New American Century” campaign and instead has become an alarmist like Trump and Cruz, the editors said. “From deporting Mexican immigrants and barring Muslims to slapping a 45 percent tariff on Chinese imports, Mr. Trump invents his positions as he goes along”.


As for Cruz, the Times says his campaign is not one aimed at restoring “constitutional principles; it’s about ambition”.

The New York Times Editorial Board on Saturday said Ohio Governor John Kasich was the “only plausible choice” in the race for the Republican nomination in the USA presidential election. Further explaining the board’s choice, the Times wrote that “Mr. Kasich is no moderate”.

The Times named Kasich a chief executive with conservative bona fides – a man who has “gone after public-sector unions” and limited abortion and same-sex marriage rights, but is also given to compromise in the face of partisan fights. “I think that what works for me is I’ve proven that I can attract voters across the board”.

In the Republican primary, the Times has endorsed John Kasich.

Kasich, whose happiness at being endorsed by a major editorial board presumably outweighed the fact that the board in question is one of the most prominent symbols of the liberal establishment Republicans love to hate, tweeted his happiness at the news. The New York Times commended Sanders for bringing income inequality front-and-center in the Democratic debate, but ultimately does not believe he has the “the breadth of experience or policy ideas that Mrs. Clinton offers”.


In the endorsement, the board described Clinton as the most “deeply qualified presidential candidates in modern history”, noting that this is their fourth endorsement of the candidate (twice for the Senate and again in the 2008 primary).

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