
Tinder’s New Social Feature Makes Organising Group Dates Simple

But with its new avatar and the new version, Tinder is launched to upgrade the usual chat or dating practice of social media enthusiastic.


Online dating service Tinder on Thursday launched a new feature called Tinder Social globally including in India that will enable users to create groups, meet new people and plan activities together. Sean Rad, CEO, and co-founder of Tinder said in a statement.

For most people, Tinder is known as a link up or usual networking app. Tinder Social allows groups of friends to find other groups to hang out with, with the idea being that it will lead to new friendships and offers a more fun way to meet potential love interests.

Tinder has an estimated 50 million users worldwide, so at least now, you have a plan B if your friends bail on you at the last minute. Well install the latest version of the app to gain access, then simply “unlock” Tinder social. Can’t get the points? After toggling the feature from the app’s setting menu, users can see which of their friends are using the feature and invite them to join a group. They can go about swiping and matching with other groups nearby who are also going out.


You can even create groups via Facebook connections. If you are the member of one group and swipe to compete with another group, then any member of the polar team can swipe your group, which will end up by the merging of both groups. It was originally tested in Australia, but now that it’s available in the United States and few other select countries we thought we’d bring it to your attention again.

Explore new friends on 'Tinder Social' in India now