
Tiny French bulldog manages to chase two bears out of her garden

Jules, a 20lb French bulldog, took her guard dog responsibilities seriously when the bears approached her family’s property in Monrovia on Friday.


A fearless little bulldog proved size means nothing after she chased away three bears from her California home.

Jewels was seen on the family’s security camera, barking and chasing the two cubs away. She chased them off.

Hernandez, who lives in Monrovia, California, told local news channel WSBT-TV: “It blew me away, I couldn’t believe that she turned into a wolverine”.

Similar animal invasions have become increasingly common in the area after a recent wildfire destroyed habitats and affected food supplies. Jules’ owner, David Hernandez, stated, “She wasn’t having it, you’re not coming in to her property”. Just ask the homeowner who saw a pissed off brown bear rage poop in his yard after being kicked out from underneath his porch.


As well as all the treats she could eat, Jewels was rewarded with a bath for her valiant actions. Hernandez says a few of his neighbors are even encouraging these visits by feeding them.

Bulldog bullies three bears on family property story image