
Tiny wall built around Trump’s Hollywood Star

An American street artist erected a miniature wall around Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame to mock his rhetoric of building a wall between Mexico and the U.S. to stop illegal migration.


A miniature wall to be exact, six inches high, complete with minute barbed wire, tiny “keep-out” signs, and even an American flag. The British-born artist is known for his controversial art projects around L.A., including “No Trump Anytime” and “No Kardashian Anytime” parking signs and a parody of the Academy Award statue that features the Oscar injecting heroin.

The artist built a much lower but still highly visible wall around the Republican presidential nominee’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Donald Trump’s proposed border wall has inspired a lot of people but probably not the way he’d like.

If Trump becomes president (God help us) the damn wall will never be built, and if by some miracle it is erected, it will be useless in preventing undocumented workers from crossing the border.

Anonymous artist erected a wall around Trump’s Walk of Fame star. The unofficial addtion to the iconic star appeared early Tuesday afternoon, to the amusement of onlookers.

When asked about the Donald Trump Walk of Fame wall by CNET, he said, “I wanted something that was going to attack Trump’s policies rather than make it a personal attack on him”.


But in reality, Trump doesn’t have to worry about changing Plastic Jesus’ mind or winning his vote because well, he’s not a citizen. “His work is more about shining a small light into some of those dark corners of society”.

Artist Builds Mini Wall Around Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame Star