
Tips for those who missed the tax deadline

We have extra time this year thanks to the District of Columbia: For years taxes were due on April 15, except for filers in MA and ME if Patriots Day was on the 15th.


In the St. Louis area, however, many taxpayers will be able to take an extra month to file if they want.

“Look at the kind of information that a taxpayer needs to give the IRS each year: Just for Obamacare, they’re supposed to verify things like Social Security number, citizenship, income, address, [and] then you need to list your spouse and dependents”, Hendrie said. As of April 8, nearly 82 million refunds have been issued.

Before filing tax returns, the IRS says taxpayers should have in hand their year-end statements, including Forms W-2 from employers, Forms 1099 from banks and other payers and Form 1095-A from the marketplace for people claiming the premium tax credit.

AUTOMATIC EXTENSION: Some taxpayers get more time to file returns without having to ask for an extension. In Massachusetts and ME, taxpayers get one more day to file.

Have you filed your taxes yet? Do not be fooled by e-mails encouraging you to click on links to a site in reference to your tax bill; the website may be a fake, created to gain your personal information.

If you cannot pay your taxes all at once, you can set up a payment plan with the IRS.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., released a statement Monday outlining “three reasons why the IRS is failing” taxpayers. If you do not have the balance, send as much as you can, he advises.

Sanders’ $15.3 trillion tax hike, for example, would boost taxes at every income level. Let’s also overlook the fact that Rumsfeld is under the mistaken impression that it’s charming for people to write angry missives to the IRS about what the government ought to be doing. The IRS “is an agency that needs to be cleaned up”, Ryan said at a news conference last week.

Robin McKinney, the director of the Maryland CASH Campaign, said there are typically three types of people who wait until the last minute to file: Those with complicated returns, such as small business owners; those who owe money; and procrastinators. By filing either a regular return or requesting an extension, you will avoid the late-filing penalty, which can be 10 times as costly as the penalty for not paying.

Koskinen told a House Science, Space and Technology subcommittee last week that securing taxpayer data continues to be a top priority.


Americans earning six figures or more paid 79.5 percent of the nation’s share in individual income taxes in 2014, according to the latest preliminary data from the Internal Revenue Service.

Giving all your money to the government is time consuming