
Titanfall 2 teaser trailer finally drops from orbit

The Titan shown looks to become not the same as the people enthusiasts utilized in the franchise’s first installment, along with the swords are new.


The official Titanfall website has been updated with the above teaser trailer and a promise for a worldwide reveal on June 12.

The key question still outstanding is whether or not Titanfall 2 may have a normal individual player strategy. If I were you, I wouldn’t try so hard.

For those wondering, it isn’t clear if Titanfall 2 for PCs will be available via the Windows Store in Windows 10. The first game was famous (or perhaps infamous) for having a “multiplayer story mode”, which worked about as well as it sounds.

So, here’s something. EA has up and revealed Titanfall 2 with a trailer, and a rather ominous one at that. That date is just prior to E3, which EA (publisher of Titanfall 2) will not be attending this year. Does that mean we’ll have more melee combat than before?


You can check out the 49 second long teaser trailer below. That’s the Sunday before EA would’ve traditionally taken the stage (thanks to them hosting their own event this year).

Titanfall 2 Teaser Trailer Debuts