
Today is Election Day in the Great State of New Jersey

Her campaign has compiled a video tying her to women’s rights movements in American history. Many are independent voters without strong ties to the Democratic Party, so they may continue fighting Clinton no matter what Sanders does. Instead, he delved straight into pillorying his general election opponent as a career politician whom Trump accused of being corrupt and indebted to special interests.


Democrat Hillary Clinton beat rival Bernie Sanders in New Jersey’s presidential nominating contest on Tuesday, Fox News projected, bolstering her lead a day after she captured the number of delegates needed to become her party’s USA presidential nominee. “Tonight is for you”.

In the AP’s survey, which began in late 2015, no superdelegate has flipped support from Clinton to Sanders. Sanders has vowed to fight through the July convention, hoping to woo the superdelegates, or party officials who are not bound by their state’s results.

Sanders won North Dakota’s caucuses. Upset with GOP efforts in lifting a ban on US oil exports, Pelosi suggested there might not be enough Democratic votes to push it through the chamber. They want to go into the general election with a sign of strength.

The presumptive Republican nominee made it clear that he will launch stinging attacks on Clinton’s character, promising to deliver an entire speech on the topic next week. He would also have needed a massive migration of Clinton-backing superdelegates to his camp. Said actress Eva Longoria during a Clinton fundraising concert in Los Angeles- “Don’t let that keep you away tomorrow”.

In 2008, Mrs Clinton had thrown her weight unequivocally behind her erstwhile rival, calling for her supporters “to take our energy, our passion, our strength, and do all we can to help elect Barack Obama, the next president of the United States”.

Trump has said Judge Gonzalo Curiel can’t be impartial in a legal case involving the businessman because his parents were born in Mexico and Trump wants to build a wall along the border.

In the Republican presidential primary, Donald Trump shares the ballot in New Mexico with five other Republican candidates who never removed their names.

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, who is locked in a close re-election fight, became the first lawmaker to pull his endorsement of Trump.

“It’s not Clinton. That’s the main thing”, Pollman said.

Trump released a statement saying he does “not feel one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial”.

Political mathletes get to stand down after Tuesday’s votes and the final contest of the primaries in District of Columbia June 14.

Clinton held a commanding lead over her Democratic Party rival Bernie Sanders even before Tuesday’s votes, having passed the magic number of 2,383 delegates required to clinch the nomination.

Reportedly, President Obama has plans to meet with Bernie at the White House on Thursday at Senator Sanders’ request. But while the primaries may be coming to an end, the political revolution that Sanders has been leading for the a year ago may be just beginning – if Sanders and especially his supporters remain steadfast in pursuit of the larger goals that have fueled his campaign. While the content of the call is unknown, Sanders’ campaign has appeared to slightly soften its rhetoric since the call. She is still going to make sure every single vote, particularly in California, would be hers.

It’s a remarkable moment for a candidate who’s spent much of her life at the center of a heated national conversation about the role of women.

Clinton’s victory is broadly decisive. She leads Sanders by more than 3 million cast votes.


When superdelegates are included, the Associated Press had Clinton at the magic number, 2,383, more than 800 ahead.

Bernie Sanders in SF