
Todd Howard confirms title’s existence, arrival still ‘a very long way off’

Fans looking forward to a new Elder Scrolls game, aside from the upcoming Skyrim Special Edition, may be disappointed to hear that these “two major games” will be taking priority over a Elder Scrolls 6. However, Howard went on to say that the game was a long way from release. The only difference is instead of using a mouse cursor you’re using your finger, and instead of clicking you’re tapping.


This is according to Pete Hines, Bethesda VP of public relations, who noted to IGN that these were two complete games and not DLC. What little info we could gather suggests that The Elder Scrolls 6 is still a long way off and unlikely to be revealed in the near future.

Bethesda has previously announced that they do not like to split their team when it comes to major projects; now that Fallout 4 support has nearly been concluded, it’s safe to assume that TES6 will be the next big project from Bethesda.

The Elder Scrolls 6 may be a ways off for Bethesda Softworks but it has two unannounced games in the pipeline that will compare to Skyrim or Fallout 4 in terms of size. He also echoed his studio’s previous statement that they’re now working on two other large projects, and added, “People will probably hear about those even before Elder Scrolls VI”.

“That’ll make sense many years from now”, he said. “Skyrim” is the fifth installment to the “Elder Scrolls” franchise. Perhaps the company is testing a new engine with these projects that will end up being used for Elder Scrolls 6 or perhaps Bethesda’s roadmap is really beyond our current understanding.

“I have to be careful what I say”.


With PlayStation 4 remaining the only platform left behind, and mods coming to Skyrim: Special Edition as well, it seems their support is becoming something more and more like a standard for Bethesda titles.
