
Tom Dadey: Rep. Richard Hanna stabbed GOP in back by supporting Clinton

The Khans then conducted several interviews, discussing the support they have received since Trump’s attacks.


Hanna mentioned Trump’s recent attacks on the parents of a Muslim Army solider killed while serving in Iraq.

About $8.7 million streamed in during the 24 hours starting Thursday night, when she spoke to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, the campaign said.

During Monday’s town hall in Columbus, Trump expressed fears that his opponent would manipulate the results of the election.

Trump also said that Ghazala Khan, who stood by her husband during his DNC speech, “had nothing to say”, adding, “Maybe she wasn’t allowed to have anything to say, you tell me”.

U.S. Republican Representative Charlie Dent, who has not endorsed Trump, criticized the candidate’s tone on Tuesday and called for more measured responses, telling MSNBC his “incendiary comments. are causing real problems”. While I disagree with her on many issues, I will vote for Mrs. Clinton.

There seem to be two main camps of Republican opposition to Trump.

“We are both under audit and believe me, nobody’s going to stop us from talking on what’s on those returns”, warned Mr Buffett.

Mr Trump repeated the charge on Fox News, saying: “November 8th, we’d better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged”.

Requests to Trump’s campaign for additional explanation were not returned. Ben Sasse (R-NE) – Hanna, a resolute #NeverTrump-er, is the first to go as far as crossing party lines in his opposition to the GOP presidential nominee.


It became a frequent catchphrase of during his primary campaign this spring, when forces allied with Republican rival Ted Cruz managed to pack state delegations with supporters of the Texas senator. Bernie Sanders should have stayed in the race and not thrown his support behind Clinton. He then pivoted to using that language to decry the nomination process on the left, accusing the Democratic Party of colluding with the Clinton campaign to keep Sanders from winning that party’s nomination.

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