
Tomorrow’s The Division Update Designed to Fix the Dark Zone

The Division patch 1.0.2 will be applied to The Division when the game’s servers are taken down for maintenance tomorrow, March 22.


The patch looks set to fix quite a few issues in general gameplay such as where DPS would not be calculated properly when purchasing a new weapon mod, or where grenades would sometimes not display the blast radius warning before detonating.

It’s not described as such in the notes, but as Kotaku points out, that’s clearly a reference to farming, and that means that powering to the Dark Zone level cap in a week, like this guy did, should be significantly more hard after the patch goes live. Firstly, players will now be able to heal non-hostile Agents without joining their squad. Plans to increase Phoenix Credits drop rates have been shelved, however, as that change was causing problems with client stability. Increased Phoenix Credit, High-End items and Division Tech drops will also come from the more fearsome Dark Zone bosses. According to the patch notes, the talent can now only be rolled on Shotgun, Marksman Rifles and Pistols and has a reduced bonus from 1%-5% to a constant 0.1%.

Tom Clancy’s The Division was actually fairly stable at launch compared to other always-online action games. Players are now able to fast travel to Dark Zone checkpoints, but only when coming from outside the Dark Zone.

What are your thoughts on the new The Division patch, happy with the changes or has Ubisoft missed something out?


The Division patch 1.0.2 also has a number of different fixes for each of The Division’s platforms, putting multiple changes into the game on Xbox One, PC, and Playstation 4.

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