
Tonight’s planned ‘Supergirl’ episode was pulled: here’s what will air instead

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS. What did we miss in Episode 4?


The cold open for this episode is pretty fun as the DEO gets to deal with one of the alien prisoners that gets loose in the facility. And I just think the message is so clear and pure. Still, with a shock jock employee/former mentee that gives her more principles by comparison, unprompted opening up to Kara, an actual glimpse of compassion when she learns about Kara being a foster child, and a chance to partner up with Supergirl after being saved by her, Cat comes nearly out of nowhere to take center stage – which should probably be a problem in an episode mainly addressing the Danvers family. If Eliza could see that Alex’s entire career has been helping to protect Kara, then maybe she would understand. This kinda comes across as a double standard in Alex’s eyes, because Eliza is totally cool with Kara having a Big Secret, and is never ever hard on her alien foster daughter in any way.

Meanwhile, we get the debut of our first major Superman villain, Leslie Willis aka Livewire (Brit Morgan). Livewire and her witty Cat comments can be amusing though Cat thinks they’re ridiculous. Though the events of her origin are slightly different, numerous important details of Livewire remain the same. Leslie isn’t really a bad feminist. She still has the blue hair, though. Once she gets out of the coma and is transformed into a being of pure electricity, Livewire is born – and so is her plotting against Cat. Seeing as she played a major role in the mentoring of Leslie, Cat uses her influence to take Leslie down a peg or two.

Before discussing this week’s episode (“Livewire”) in depth, it should be noted that this was not the episode originally slated for this week. Cat says she’s right about that. As a result, Kara has remained a bit sheltered, and Alex has anxious that she’ll always be the one cleaning up (and being blamed for) mistakes. I’ve already expressed my unhappiness with the DEO subplot that seems to be shaping up as the backbone for the larger story arc of the season, so it should come as no surprise that I’m not pleased to see that story worm its way even deeper into the DNA of the narrative. He has a few sort of history with Cat Grant, and therefore could end up being a key cog in figuring out the relationship between Kara and her boss. So eventually she told her mother everything and that ended up in a fight that destroyed thanksgiving dinner.

The DEO helps design a containment unit to capture Livewire once she materializes again and Kara gets massive bonus points for making the Ghostbusters reference so I don’t have to in my recap. Supergirl arrives to save Cat from getting cooked, but Livewire is wise to her trap-presumably she’s also seen Ghostbusters, like everyone else on the planet. She’s afraid that their mom will frown upon her for not protecting Kara and allowing her to come out as Supergirl. Therefore, these real life lovers will play as lovers in the series as well. I was quite impressed with the final showdown between Supergirl and Livewire. I liked the whole electric whip effect even if it doesn’t really make much sense scientifically. Of course sales plummet and Cat Co. goes out of business – just kidding – but Cat feels much better doing something good for a chance. We see in a flashback that Jeremish bargains for Kara’s freedom in exchange for working for the DEO.

In an interview with TVLine, the 34-year-old who’s married to Magic Mike star Channing Tatum, said the relationship between Kara and Lucy will blossom as the series goes on. Realizing her new-found powers, she turns herself into energy and flies into a nearby light. However, he is quickly brushed aside when James and Lucy enter the office.


Before Dr. Danvers leaves she confesses to her children that their dad Jeremiah didn’t die in a plane crash. We find out what that is at the end show. The girls keep their newfound suspicions to themselves as they secretly search for the truth about their father.

CBS' 'Supergirl' goes on a 'Livewire' this coming Monday