
Top 10 moments of ‘The Bachelorette’ season finale

After a major rollercoaster of emotions for contestants and viewers alike, JoJo Fletcher officially chose Jordan Rodgers over Robby Hayes on the season finale of The Bachelorette on Monday night.


GamenGuide has previously reported that Jordan Rodgers is definitely going to become the fiancé of Jojo Fletcher after winning “The Bachelorette” 2016. “Maybe you guys need to stop watching so much Netflix and pay more attention to each other”, Jimmy said, as both JoJo and Jordan looked unsure of their answers.

“We didn’t have any time off-camera and we were going to get to a proposal”.

Robby says that at the rose ceremony, he was totally blindsided and shocked when Jojo dumped him and sent him home.

And yes, Jordan was asked one last time about Aaron. “JoJo is the one”. We’re all shocked, I know.

Still, he was the most talked about thing on this season of The Bachelorette, and that could go a long way in getting him a spot on The Bachelor. During the 2nd half of the date, they did more kissing, but JoJo still seemed upset, because she had doubts if Jordan was really ready to commit her. “On those final days, I thought about who I couldn’t imagine saying goodbye to”.

We have had somewhat of a rocky relationship with Jordan Rodgers – we wanted to love him and his hair as soon as we saw them, but the rumors floating around about him weren’t always the kindest. But no matter, today it’s JoJo and Jordan who are engaged.

But of course, if you’re on this site, you don’t particularly care about that part of it. “If I had to throw in my hat of two dark horses, I would love to see James Taylor and/or Wells Adams get a shot at finding that special someone”. “He keeps trying to do it, and I’m like, ‘Babe, we are planning this!'” JoJo said.

Good job, Rodgers. You can add this title to your résumé.

“I haven’t seen the show, to be honest with you, so it hasn’t really affected me a whole lot”, he told WISN 12 News on July 26. Today is not the start of our love story, it’s the start of a new chapter. “I didn’t want you to get down on one knee until you knew that”.

The bachelorette felt anxious and asks, “what if I choose Robby, and this other life was a life that I was meant for”. I told her after our second.


JoJo, when did you know that Jordan was the one? It has been reported that the former football player would move in with the 25-year-old real estate developer in Dallas before they plan their grand wedding next year’.

Jordan Rodgers