
Top 10 Republican Presidential Debate Highlights

Ted Cruz (R-Texas) referenced classified information during Tuesday night’s Republican debate on CNN.


Trump also complained that the undercard debate, which featured the bottom four candidates’ also heavily emphasized Trump questions.

Cook said of the field overall, “They were trying to tap into the fears, the legitimate fears of voters but turn those fears into partisan anger, and that’s just not constructive”.

“I would be a lot more anxious if he was in fact a member of the committee, but to my understanding this subject matter was not one where any members outside of the committee had been briefed on it”, Burr said. The second half of the debate went on as if Trump had not offered one of the most controversial ideas from a leading presidential candidate in recent memory.

Kasich, like most of the Republican field, feels the real fight is against terrorism, and climate change, while a possible important policy debate, is an unnecessary distraction. “I think it’s the usual rhetoric out of the other contenders”. I have great respect for the people I’ve met through this process. “Every online poll has me way ahead”.

Trump is the current frontrunner among the Republican candidates seeking the party nomination for the presidency of the United States.

“Here’s a statistic that is going to make your hair spin: 81 percent of the electorate who will pick the president next year are either female, people of colour, or young people between the ages of 18 and 35”.

Trump responded by calling the Bush campaign “a total disaster”.

He added, “So Donald, you know, is great at the one-liners, but he’s a chaos candidate”. So it’s not as clear as just reading what he said.

“If your eyes are glazed over like mine this is what it’s like to be on the floor of the U.S. Senate”, said Chris Christie, (R) Presidential Candidate.

On the issue of the Muslim ban, the candidates have been walking a careful line with how to handle Trump, embracing the man that has been a force in the GOP primary thus far but dismissing a position which could be toxic in the general election. He was followed by Rubio (13:33) and Trump (13:25). “You need the capability to do it with, and we’re losing that capability”.

“Based on past experience with Donald Trump, I don’t know that that matters”, said Cook.


In fact, for much of the debate, it was not Trump on the defensive, but Rubio. I can’t take him seriously. “What we should do is be very vigilant, find out who did that, but I thought, frankly, closing the entire system with those hundreds of thousands of students, that was very, very tough”. Trump countered with blows, reminding Bush of his poor poll numbers.

GOP Debate Live Blog: Trump & Cruz On Keeping Us Safe