
Top 5 G20 Summit Developments To Look Out For

John Kirton, a Canadian analyst of the global summit, said the Paris attacks will have a unifying effect on the leaders, who conclude their meetings on Monday.


World leaders united on Sunday to denounce terrorism at a heavily-guarded summit in Turkey after the gun and bomb assaults in Paris, despite divisions over conflict-riven Syria.

President Barack Obama leaves the White House in Washington, Saturday, November 14, 2015, for the G-20 summit in Turkey, a meeting infused with new urgency following Paris attacks. “We remain resolute to continue our collective action to lift actual and potential growth of our economies, support job creation, strengthen resilience, promote development and enhance inclusiveness of our policies”, the leaders added.

“Without ensuring global peace and stability, we can not talk about a strong global economy”, Erdogan said in the summit’s closing press conference.

“Antalya Criteria”, was YENI SAFAK’s headline on a report that G20 leaders issued a declaration on fighting terrorism.

In a separate statement, the G20 leaders condemned the “heinous” attacks in Paris and in Ankara, and reaffirmed that “terrorism can not and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group”.

The leaders have reinstated their faith on the World Trade Organisation as the backbone of the multilateral trading system and have urged to fully implement the Bali Package that aims at lowering global trade barriers.

In reassuring the world, China wanted to attract foreign investment and promote its companies’ expansion overseas, Hu said. The worldwide Monetary Fund (IMF) has also made similar pessimist projections recently.

Domenico Lombardi, director of the Centre for worldwide Governance Innovation’s Global Economy Programme, said the G20 had “significantly broadened the contours of their conversation” and reinterpreted their remit beyond “narrowly-defined economic and financial terms. In particular, as a key step towards ending too-big-to-fail, we have finalised the common worldwide standard on total-loss-absorbing-capacity (TLAC) for global systemically important banks”, the statement said.

Although the G20 usually focuses on economic issues, the president of host country Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has urged world leaders to prioritise the battle against ISIL, saying the attacks in Paris proved the time for words was now over.

UNFCCC stands for United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.


The timing of the Fed hike has been a constant source of concern for financial markets and emerging market economies, which have seen their currencies hammered this year as the dollar has risen sharply on expectations of a U.S. rate rise.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivers a speech following a working session during the G20 Summit in Antalya Turkey