
Top California official to propose gun control initiative

Just kidding, they’re not sensible.


Out of that tragedy was formed the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which is teaming up with Newsom to draft the initiative that will be filed in the next couple days. It comes in the wake of high-profile killings nationwide and three in the San Francisco Bay Area that were tied to stolen guns. “Oh it’s the gun’s fault”.

According to a poll conducted last month by the Public Policy Institute of California, 65% of adults said that laws covering the sale of guns should be stricter. The same law also bans the importation, manufacture and sale of ammunition magazines with 11 rounds or more.

How exactly would this be enforced? Stores also would be required to report to law enforcement if ammunition has been lost or stolen. However, the proposal has drawn criticism from Second Amendment advocates, especially with the specter of a magazine ban and background checks on ammunition.

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom and his supporters hope to side step the gun lobby’s influence on lawmakers by asking the voters to approve five new gun control measures.

“This is happening everyday and it happened right here”, Thomas said of gun violence. But this doesn’t stop anything.

State officials would also be asked to set up a clear process to force felons who are not allowed to have guns – but who have them anyway – turn in their weapons.

“We in the gun rights movement must recognize that our constitutional rights are under assault by a handful of billionaires lead by Michael Bloomberg who can buy ballot measures at will. This is being orchestrated from Maine to California”, said Gottlieb.

“Moynihan argued, ‘We don’t need to ban guns; we need to ban ammunition, because in 25 years, if you can’t buy ammunition, it goes bad, ‘” Mr. Norquist said.

The California Department of Justice would have to notify the federal instant criminal background check system when someone is added to the database of those prohibited from purchasing or possessing a firearm. Folsom Lake, which is one of California’s major reservoirs, is at its lowest level in more than twenty years and is at just 17 percent of capacity because of the four-year drought, the SacBee$ reports. What’s the point of requiring it if it already happens in practice? “The states have and will continue to take action to reduce gun violence despite the gridlock in Washington”.

California already has a few of the nation’s toughest gun restrictions, including a 1999 ban on assault weapons, like the AK-47. Interestingly, the survey shows Villaraigosa has much stronger support (62 percent) among Latino voters than Garcetti (48 percent), who is part Mexican-American.

These figures do not surprise me in the least, this is California after all. But you can’t intimidate the public. I wonder what those numbers would look like.


“Congress has failed to pass even the most basic laws to help keep guns out of unsafe hands and save lives”, said Kate Folmar, spokeswoman for Everytown for Gun Safety, a group founded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Top California official to propose gun control initiative