
Top GOP leaders skip Trump return to Wisconsin

Reince Priebus recently warned Donald Trump that the Republican National Committee would consider shifting party resources away from his presidential campaign and toward House and Senate races if he didn’t turn his campaign around, according to a report published by Time magazine.


They want the RNC to take resources now helping Trump and shift them to vulnerable GOP candidates for House and Senate.

Concerned Republicans say their worries go beyond the campaign’s decision to send its greatest resource – the candidate himself – to chase one or two electoral votes in ME, or to what they believe are unwinnable states like CT.

A group of 75 Republicans are fighting to “prevent the GOP from drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.”

Veteran New Hampshire Republican Tom Rath, an RNC Committeeman who has been through decades of presidential politics in the Granite State, says the Trump ground game in that important swing state is minimal. “That same thing is happening with Trump”, added Barbour.

The letter cites a number of polls that show Trump losing ground to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton nationally. The RNC says it has over 70 paid staffers and plans at least 20 offices statewide.

“To us, it’s not news that a College Republican chapter would support the GOP presidential nominee”, co-chairs Emily Reinwald and Michaela Cloutier wrote.

Fifty former security and diplomatic officials from Republican administrations signed a letter easier this week opposing Trump, while other prominent Republicans have either come out against him or gone a step further and endorsed Hillary Clinton. “If they want to do that they can save me a lot of time and a lot of energy”.

“I mean, if it is true, that’s OK too because all I have to do is stop funding the Republican Party”, Trump told Fox News’s “The O’Reilly Factor”.

“I am now listening to people that are telling me to be easier, nicer, be softer”.

At his Erie event, Trump seemed to acknowledge he is facing a formidable opponent in Clinton as well as a hard electoral path.

Trump’s been skipping from one gaffe to the next. He told WHTC-AM on Thursday that Trump’s decision to call Obama the founder and Clinton a co-founder of IS was “not helpful”.

It lists a series of recent Trump missteps – from rhetorically attacking the Muslim family of a U.S. Army captain killed while serving in Iraq to “Deliberately and repeatedly lying about scores of issues, large and small” – as evidence. “Until he gets help and admits it, he won’t be able to change”. Sitting on the fence or hoping to avoid taking a public position on the most divisive demagogue and risky candidate to darken our doorstep in over a generation is very troubling.

Trump has been evaluated as potentially being the most reckless American President in history. She urged Trump to stick with his playbook.

Dillon said Republicans who back an “unhinged” Trump not only are putting at risk their personal reputations but also the GOP’s future.


Trump said: “Obviously, I’m being sarcastic – but not that sarcastic, to be honest with you”. “At this point I don’t know if he can recover”.

The GOP must dump Trump