
Top House Dem on intelligence panel backs Iran nuclear deal

In an interview with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg over the weekend and in a press release Monday, Schiff announced that while he remains concerned about some elements of the deal, he has come to view the plan as the best possible option.


Having Congress reject the Iran agreement would be an embarrassment for the Obama administration but one the White House will likely be able to maneuver past. Other Democrats have signaled they are leaning in favor and still others have remained undeclared, awaiting a vote in September. House Democrats also were scheduled to meet with Obama at the White House later in the day. A member of the global Atomic Energy Agency is expected to brief lawmakers this week. He also recently hosted a reception at the White House for some 100 House Democrats. “I can expand”.

“I’m inspired proper now”, stated Democratic Representative David Price, who has taken on the duty of convincing lawmakers from each events to again the deal.

Several Democrats said Obama’s detailed understanding of the accord won their respect. The president referred to support from his own party as “squishy”. Kildee’s support was a victory for Obama because one of his constituents, former U.S. Marine Amir Hekmati, is among four Americans held or missing in Iran.

In her statement to the Boston Globe, Warren said she believes the inspection regime is stringent enough to prevent Iran from pursuing a nuclear weapon.

Cardin, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has already met with with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and members of J Street. Some members of Congress are going on trips to Israel, with some arranged by the American Israel Education Foundation, a charitable organization affiliated with AIPAC, a deal foe.

Democratic Caucus Chairman Rep. Xavier Becerra of California said he’s still talking to people on both sides of the issue.

To date, no Senate Democrat has formally introduced opposition, though many are undecided.

US President Barack Obama has promised to veto any bill blocking the nuclear agreement.

Democrats who are Jewish or represent districts with large Jewish populations are being heavily lobbied. “I believe our vital interests have been advanced under the agreement, since it would be extremely hard for Iran to amass enough fissionable material to make a nuclear weapon without giving the United States ample notice and time to stop it”. Sander Levin, D-Mich., and Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and Sen. However, they would need at least 44 Democratic representatives and 13 Democratic senators to claim a majority vote against the veto.

The strain has been notably robust on excessive-profile Jewish Democrats generally known as robust supporters of Israel. “Our partners are not going to be with us”, he said.

After the 60-day review, Sen.


“That’s why we are under instructions from the president to preserve, and indeed we are improving – and I can’t get into that here – the military option”, Carter said.

Top House Dem on intelligence panel backs Iran nuclear deal