
Toys For Tots of SWV Gets More Money

Christmas is less than 10 days away, but yet, donations for the U.S. Marines’ Toys for Tots program in Contra Costa County are down this year.


This year, the employees of HMMA stepped it up and donated 421 bicycles and several boxes of toys.

This is an annual tradition for Hyundai, and Senior Manager Kevin Graham says every year his team members line up to help out.

Castillo said the more than 18,000 toys will go to almost 7,000 children across the South Plains. For that our sincerest gratitude is extended.

“We certainly don’t want to disappoint any of the children and we want to make sure that each bag has the correct number of toys for all the children that were registered by the family so it’s very important”, Toys for Tots Coordinator Marc Dickieson said. “In fact, since Toys for Tots started, as he [Osman] mentioned, you all have distributed more than 490 million toys to over 200 million children in all 50 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands”.


U.S. Marine Corps representatives helped load the bikes and other gifts onto donation truck after a ceremony at the Montgomery plant. One of those helping to load the bikes previous year was Marine Corps Sgt. Sheldon Curry, who also worked at the plant. “It’s the idea that nobody’s forgot about them and no child should be forgotten about”.

Dish Network donates check to Toys for Tots Campaign