
Toys for Tots toy drive

The Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots wants to remind the community of the nearly 3,000 children that will be in need of Christmas presents this year.


The slogan for this year’s Toys for Tots campaign is “Spread Love”, and that’s what the Marines were encouraging everyone to do as they launched the 67th annual toy drive at the Mall of New Hampshire on Tuesday morning. Toys for children 10 and older are particularly needed. You can donate a toy at one of the area toy drop locations, host a Toys for Tots event at your home, office or other venue and collect toys for Toys for Tots, or volunteer at the local warehouse.


“I was an active duty Marine from 1977 to 1980 and assisted with Toys for Tots, so it is a very special program for me”, he said. If any students would like to donate toys please drop them off at the Blue House Visitor’s Center located at Liberty Hall Museum (across the Science Technology and Mathematics (STEM) parking lot). You have an opportunity to drop off toys until December 21. Those wishing to make a monetary donation can mail a check made out to Toys for Tots MA to MSP Toys for Tots Coordinator 124 Acton St., Maynard MA.

039;Tis the Season Massachusetts State Police 'Fill the Cruiser&#039 Toys for Tots Drive