
TPP deal credit positive for Asian sovereigns: Moody’s

The Taiwan government has closely examined gaps between Taiwan’s laws and regulations concerning global trade and corresponding worldwide regulations in a bid to build legal foundation for negotiating with TPP initial members about joining TPP in the second round, BOFT said.


The TPP covers almost 40 percent of the global economy and once ratified will have a significant impact on cross-Pacific trade and global politics.

“We might say we didn’t get everything we wanted, but that’s what all the other 11 countries will be saying”, he said. Past trade agreements, such as NAFTA and CAFTA, with similar labor or environmental standards, have not been enforced by the United States.

The credit outlooks for all 12 TPP countries are: Australia (Aaa stable), Brunei (unrated), Canada (Aaa stable), Chile (Aa3 stable), Japan (A1 stable), Malaysia (A3 positive), Mexico (A3 stable), New Zealand (Aaa stable), Peru (A3 stable), Singapore (Aaa stable), USA (Aaa stable) and Vietnam (B1 stable).

Now running for the U.S. Senate in 2016, U.S. Rep. Patrick Murphy, D-Fla., announced on Tuesday he opposed the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal. Political opposition to the TPP in the United States, the dominant member of the 12 negotiating nations, has increased over time as details have emerged through previous WikiLeaks disclosures. Meaningful congressional consultations are necessary for devising trade policy that is good for American workers, and key to those consultations is access to the trade agreement itself. Because TPA is already in place, President Obama can not simply bypass Congress and the American people and sign TPP into effect.

You have called the TPP the “most progressive, high-standard trade deal ever crafted”.

He said as far as he is concerned, the deal has received “overwhelming support from virtually all sectors of the Canadian economy”. In Nebraska, more than 107,000 jobs depend on trade with these TPP countries.

According to an article from The Economist, Vietnam, to take just one emerging market as an example, would experience a 10 percent GDP growth were the TPP to be passed into legislation, which looks like a considerable challenge.


Ray Sessler, president of the Oregon Cattlemen’s Association, is supportive of TPP and sees that the agreement will help Oregon producers expand their operations.

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