
Track Santa with NORAD on Christmas Eve

You can track Santa’s progress around the World this Christmas Eve, thanks to The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD).


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Next up, NORAD is celebrating its 60th year of tracking Santa on his global flight, with both a website and mobile apps for iPhone and Android.

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The Norad Santa Tracker, as well as the Google Santa Tracker can be accessed through the link provided below. The group said a department store mistakenly printed NORAD’s phone number in an ad for contacting Santa Claus, leading to numerous phone calls to the Continental Air Defense in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

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She still hasn’t said who the father is, though many assume it’s Meyer. “I couldn’t be more proud of this little blessing”. She also performed on Dancing With The Stars and had a short-lived cable TV show called Life’s A Tripp .

A 1955 newspaper advertisement for Sears Roebuck and Co. listed a phone number for “kiddies” to call Santa Claus but got it wrong.

“Typically, you’ll have a parent that is corralling their kids around the speaker phone and the children are asking, ‘Is Santa coming?'” he said. Last year, hundreds of volunteers, including many NORAD employees and Michelle Obama, fielded 135,000 calls from 234 countries.

You can check out the Santa Tracker here: or follow along on Twitter.

The commander on duty that day had staff provide callers with updates on Santa’s location and the tradition evolved into the NORAD Santa-tracking website.

Starting at 5 a.m. EST on December 24th and continuing through 5 a.m. ET on December 25th.

These activities are in support of the NORAD Tracks Santa Operations Center at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, which leads the Santa monitoring effort.

How Does NORAD Track Santa?


Shoup, who has since been dubbed the “Santa Colonel”, chose not to hang up on the children who called that night.
