
Trained Syrian rebels believe captured by militants

The decision to more directly confront Islamic State in alliance with the U.S. could expose Turkey to a heightened risk of attack by extremists.


Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio hope to connect Tuesday with Christian conservatives, a key group of voters in the early primary states of Iowa and South Carolina.

The expanded mission of providing air support for the Syrian rebels comes at a time when the U.S. and its coalition are expanding air operations in neighboring Turkey.

“Turkey’s cross-border intervention with ground forces and airstrikes indicates a departure from their Syria policy”, he said.

Defending the U.S.-trained troop can become an increasing work for United States, which was waging sky occurs against Islamic State directs in…

His forces now control about 40 per cent of the land area of Aleppo but rule over 85 per cent of its embattled population which remains steadfast in spite of the lack of electricity and water during the current regional heat wave with punishing temperatures of 42-44 degrees Celsius.

The Pentagon confirmed that an air strike was carried out Friday in support of the New Syria Force, a U.S.-allied group.

The 2 nations have agreed to the shared aim of building an “ISIL-free zone” to make sure “higher safety and stability alongside Turkey’s border with Syria”, a senior Obama administration official informed CBS Information, utilizing an alternate acronym for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (). As the Americans have made clear, there is no agreement to establish a safe zone, much less a no-fly one, on Syrian territory.

A ground assault on Raqqa is still months away. Gen Michael Nagata, but slowly.

The first is the collapse of the US effort to train and deploy “moderate” fighters against Islamic State (IS), now deemed to be the main regional threat, at least by the US and Europe.

On the southern front, along the Syrian-Jordanian border, pressure is also mounting. Some observers suggested this could mean that the rebels were part of the US programme, but had been trained by Turkish instructors. There are different Kurdish groups in Iraq, Syria and Turkey, but they all have ties and many share an aspiration to join together to form an independent state, which Turkey adamantly opposes.

The United States, Earnest said, was “committed to using military force where necessary to protect the coalition-trained and equipped Syrian opposition fighters”. The two terror groups are rivals and take regular potshots at each other in social media. That would leave Fallujah as an Islamic State stronghold less than 40 miles west of Baghdad.

The U.S. goal in Iraq, as in Syria, is to mobilize Sunni tribal forces, but this has been a slow roll. On Friday, they launched an assault on Division 30’s headquarters in the province that was only repulsed with the help of US air strikes and at the cost of at least five dead.


For weeks, ISIL militants and Syrian forces have skirmished in the countryside to the east of Homs. And while Damascus may be cool to the idea of a regional anti-IS coalition, it has used Russia’s sponsorship of this proposal to recently resume contacts with Saudi Arabia at the highest levels.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu