
Trans-Pacific Partnership fine print released to public

He said the TPP would lead to more job creation and would help US consumers save money while offering them more choices. In fact, the deal was designed in part to counter China’s influence in the Pacific Rim. After all, this isn’t everyone’s approach to trade. “Other countries, such as China, are already moving forward with deals that don’t reflect our interests and our values”. Thailand said it was studying the deal and may consider joining.


Obama also formally notified Congress later in the day that he intends to sign the 12-nation free trade agreement, kicking off a 90-day waiting period, after which he can sign it and seek ratification from Congress.

With the threat of trade sanctions, TPP countries are required to ban child labor and employment discrimination and give workers the right to form unions.

The TPP would be a boon for factory and export economies like Malaysia and Vietnam. Nonetheless, it did say that the agreement appears to be addressing new issues that are crucial to the innovation and continued growth of the tech sector.

Biological drugs are given a minimum of five years of data protection under the agreement, along with an extra buffer for administrative processes.

“It falls outside of TPP, and it fails to include dispute settlement mechanisms to ensure global rules prohibiting currency manipulation are enforced”, Ford said in an e-mailed statement. Orrin Hatch said, adding, “The alternative to renegotiation may very well be no TPP at all”.

There is also a special feature for Vietnam, linking improved access to the U.S. market for cotton trousers to the purchase of US-made cotton fabric.

The United States has three months before it can sign the agreement, Mr Groser said.

The debate is expected to be especially contentious in the United States.

President Obama has been a staunch supporter of the TPP, but he faces stiff opposition, even from members of his Democratic Party.

Both Republicans and Democrats, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, have opposed the TPP in the past, saying the 30 chapters plus add-on agreements, thousands of pages deal does not sufficiently protect American businesses or workers.


Governments of the 12 member countries released the complete text online Thursday, making public the specifics of an agreement that critics complain was forged in secrecy.

Senator Orrin Hatch, behind US Trade Representative Michael Froman has said Trans Pacific Partnership negotiators may have to go back to the table