
Transgender person arrested after taking photos of others in changing room

Target’s stock price has dropped 13 percent since announcing its new transgender bathroom/dressing room policy on April 19 (or approximately $5 billion in market value).


An Idaho Falls man who police say identifies as transgender was arrested Tuesday afternoon after deputies say he took photos of a woman in a fitting room in Target.

He said the victim was changing clothes when she noticed someone holding a cell phone over the wall of changing room stall to take photos of her. The victim confronted the subject who then fled the store on foot.

Detectives are investigating to determine if any more victims exist relating to this incident, the release said. She was arrested on one count of felony voyeurism and was booked at the Bonneville County Jail, the Post Register said.

Several witnesses also spotted a person described as “a male dressed in women’s clothing” attempting to photograph the woman, according to Lovell.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door”, a witness inside the store, who asked not to be named, tells

Bonneville County detectives learned the vehicle was registered to Smith.

Smith is expected in court Wednesday.

This uncomfortable episode comes in the wake of Target’s policy that allows shoppers to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. Cases such as this were one of these organizations’ primary concerns regarding Target’s trangender policy.


In response, the American Family Association started an online petition, which garnered over 1.2 million signatures of those pledging not to shop at Target until the policy was changed.

Shauna Patricia Smith