
Travelers Give Mixed Reviews On Wait Times At Airports

For some, time at the airport and in security lines takes longer than their actual flight. They are hiring more contractors to inform passengers about the TSA screenings, including airport dos and don’ts.


“Heading into the holiday weekend travel, CDA (Chicago Department of Aviation) will continue to closely monitor TSA wait times to ensure conditions remain manageable”, said a statement from the mayor’s office. In some cases, airports have urged passengers to arrive as much as three hours in advance to ensure they do not miss their flights.

“While some of the larger and busier airports might have longer lines, such as those reported in the news, most airport security procedures are operating at normal levels”, says John McCarthy, president, GO Airport Express.

Hart said this week that Chattanooga passenger boardings were flat in April, but still up 2 percent for the year.

Although the South checkpoint at Hartsfield-Jackson has reopened, a TSA spokesperson says don’t expect lines to move any faster.

The Redmond TSA office interviewed applicants a few weeks ago, Bass said, and is aiming to add another six to eight part-time security officers. Unfortunately, having just two of these installed in Atlanta will in no way resolve the problem of excruciatingly long TSA lines that exists across the country, but it might show other airports that there is a better way. “The lines at TSA checkpoints nationwide have become unacceptable”, said American Airlines spokesman Ross Feinstein.

Transportation Security Administration chief Peter V. Neffenger said that even with additional staffing help on the way to help process a record number of fliers, Americans could expect scant relief from long waits to clear security checkpoints. They include add training classes to get new hires on the job quicker, increasing K-9 Units throughout all major airports and work closer with airlines to pinpoint rush times. Apply online at: Those wait times don’t sound bad. The wait time during peak hours is 42 minutes at O’Hare and 44 minutes at Midway.


Long lines. Disgruntled passengers.

TSA checkpoint waits not a problem at Kalamazoo-Battle Creek Int'l