
Trick-or-treat safety tips

The centre recommends that parents supervise young children and make plans with older children to check in regularly and return home by a certain time.


An adult should examine all treats for choking hazards and tampering before eating them.

One in eight middle-schoolers cross the street while distracted by an electronic device.

Resources: Children’s Hospital and Clinics, Love to know Health, Parenting.

AAA is warning parents this Halloween about the dangers that can come along with Trick-or-Treating.

Notify your parents and the Police if there are any suspicious treats-Treats meant to harm you!!!

Check all the candy that your kids recieve before letting them eat it.

“If it’s not in a pre-packaged or brand name outfit, be tired of it and don’t be afraid to throw things away”.

Households giving out candy can consider toys or stickers instead of candy.

With Halloween approaching and kids and parents planning out the best route for their Trick Or Treating, the Indiana Department of Transportation is reminding drivers to watch for trick-or-treaters.

– Make sure to cross the street as a group only at established cross walks, and never between parked cars or out driveways. Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape. Choose face paint over masks so that vision is not obscured.

Keep costumes short to prevent trips and falls.

The other hard part of Halloween is trick-or-treating with your vegan kid in a way that doesn’t make them feel left-out of all the fun.

Drive extra cautiously! If you’re driving your kids around to trick or treat, make sure you’re looking out for foot traffic and other cars.

“You’re going to have thousands of children in the street, so if you don’t have to go anywhere, stay home”, he said.

Only accept wrapped treats.


CoxHealth emergency room workers say on Halloween night they typically see people who were hurt after getting hit by a auto.

Nolensville Police Department offers Halloween safety tips