
‘True Labour not New Labour’ councillor endorses Corbyn

She said councils and housing associations should be given more support to build and that she wanted to see a return to building new towns and garden cities.


Labour leadership contender Andy Burnham recalled memories of Chester when he spoke to The Chronicle prior to addressing the party faithful in a city centre pub.

But Mr Bell believes the warning signs are there for Labour voters.

As well as changing Labour to a neo Tory party, Blair took us into five wars, including the illegal Iraq war.

“We can’t go back to Labour fighting within itself rather than against its main army”.

Former British prime minister Gordon Brown finally intervened in the Labour Party’s leadership contest on Sunday, saying the four-way fight need not be “an abandonment of principles to seek power”.

“So on the biggest issues of all – on the EU, the economy and public services – there is now a real choice before our party”.

“Yet there are important elections next year in London, Wales and Scotland”.

But the activists and trade unions that are supporting Corbyn say Labour’s centrist figures betrayed the party’s roots by copying Conservative policies at the last election.

But the rise of fellow socialist Jeremy Corbyn in the race to become Labour leader has prompted Mr Nellist to hint that TUSC could throw its weight behind Mr Corbyn and Labour – but only if certain conditions are met.

In other developments, the Daily Telegraph reported that Lord Mandelson, one of the architects of New Labour, tried to persuade Mr Burnham, Ms Cooper and Ms Kendall to quit en masse, thinking that such a move would halt the race. “I don’t think there will be a problem getting the numbers”.

The next leader will be announced on September 12.

“Labour, which purports to be the party of progress and opportunity for all, has never had a better chance to elect its first woman leader”. “I’ve received some vicious antisemitic abuse…”

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I want someone who can be radical, can have a very clear vision of where Britain will be in five years’ time and above all can actually do something about winning”.

“A lot of his ideas are not too different from Mr Corbyn’s to be honest, he just says them in a slightly more electorate-friendly way and that I think is quite important”.

The magazine said the decision to open the contest to registered supporters had been an “extraordinary act of self-harm” by the party, inviting exploitation by opponents.

Mr Corbyn’s clarification followed online posts apparently by Mr Abou Jahjah highlighting his appearance alongside the MP at a 2009 anti-war rally and a debate in a room within Parliament.


Ms Onn, who took Austin Mitchell’s old seat in May, reaffirmed her support for Yvette Cooper, the wife of defeated Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls.

'True Labour not New Labour' councillor endorses Corbyn