
Trump a Factor in Surprisingly Close Missouri Senate Race

Blunt, who has said he is determined not to spend the next three months talking about Trump, made one passing reference to the candidate.


Cox pointed out that then New York Senator Hillary Clinton voted against upholding Second Amendment rights in that bill.

“I could easily be the 51st Republican in the next Senate”, Blunt said. LaPierre called the Second Amendment “a strength of our country, not our weakness”.

On Tuesday, Trump said at a campaign event that “Second Amendment people” might somehow stop Hillary Clinton from appointing judges who favor stricter gun control measures if she were elected.

“What (Trump) said was the second amendment is going to be a major, a major factor in the election, and we agree with that”, Cox said. Every new controversy involving Donald Trump only makes it more hard. “I think it was very clear what he was talking about”.

“And it must be the healthiest place in America to work, because once you get on there, you’re there for a long time”, he added over laughter from the crowd. “After twenty years there, it’s working great for Roy Blunt’s family.” – an announcer in a TV ad paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee that rips Blunt for voting to raise his own salary and questions whether family members working as lobbyists pose a conflict of interest. The National Rifle Association is endorsing Blunt as he vows to protect the rights of Missourians and Americans, and especially the Second Amendment. “There’s a reason for all of them and they hang in the balance, they hang in the balance”, said Sen.


“There are pro-gun Democrats in this state”.

Campaign 2016 Senate Missouri