
Trump accepts nomination, promises safer, richer US

Friday in Cleveland Ohio, at a press conference after the RNC convention, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said Sen.


Ivanka Trump got an enthusiastic welcome at the Republican National Convention.

In his speech, Trump offered little in the way of details about his policies but rather portrayed himself as a fresh alternative to traditional politicians, willing to consider new approaches to vexing problems and help working-class people who may feel abandoned.

And he said his Republican critics “have no choice” but to vote for him: “Supreme Court justices”, he said, promising he’ll appoint someone in Antonin Scalia’s mold, unlike Hillary Clinton.

“We’ve had government that set the bar so low for so long, it’s about time we have someone who will make government reach higher”, says MI delegate Glenn Forbel from Reading. When his plane was grounded with mechanical delays just as Trump was working to settle on his running mate, he flew them out to join him in IN to spend time with the state’s governor, Mike Pence, his ultimate choice. He noted violent crime has recently risen in some cities, “but we’re not going to make good decisions based on fears that don’t have a basis in fact”.

Mr Trump is scheduled to speak on the final night of the event in Cleveland. Speaking on NBC after Trump’s speech, Nicolle Wallace, who worked in the George W. Bush White House, said, “The Republican Party that I worked for, for two decades, died in this room tonight”.

In an appeal to people shaken by violence at home and around the world, Trump promised that under his presidency, “safety will be restored”. “Beginning on January 20, of 2017, safety will be restored”.

“The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens”.

The real estate mogul’s eldest daughter was poised and polished in a fetching pink sheath late Thursday as she marched to the podium to deliver remarks praising Donald Trump at the Republican convention. When the crowd chanted, ‘Lock her up!

Closing the four-day convention in Cleveland, Ohio, Trump pledged that as president he would end crime and violence around the U.S. and said he would speak for those who do not feel they are heard by government.

The troubled country he described could only be repaired by him, he said.

“Nobody knows the system better than me”, he said, in his characteristic boastful manner, smirking, as he played for laughs from the audience, “which is why I alone can fix it”.

He set out his vision for a more inward-looking United States, framing his economic and foreign policies around a domestic focus in an age of globalisation.

“Only weeks ago, in Orlando, Florida, 49 wonderful Americans were savagely murdered by an Islamic terrorist”, he said. America fist, again! America first!

But Trump also showed why he is one of the most controversial US politicians in living memory.

“He should have done it”, Trump said.

At the end of his address, the tough-talking businessman, with a sweaty face from the strain of frequently shouting for more than an hour, was joined on stage by his family as balloons fell from the roof engulfing the convention floor in the tradition of these four-yearly political shows.

When the convention was gavelled in on Monday, it didn’t take long for tensions over Donald Trump’s nomination to bubble to the surface.

“I think she’s wonderful”. She was making a lot of money, believe me.

The highly anticipated address comes a day after Senator Ted Cruz declined to endorse Mr Trump in a prime-time speech.

“He made phenomenal claims of what he is going to do to change the country”. He also previewed the difficulty he says he’ll have watching Hillary Clinton’s speech to the Democratic convention next week.


“I really had hoped that he had said more about bringing the party together”.

Sen. Dan Coats R-Ind