
Trump accuses Cruz of fraud in Iowa caucuses

Sanders, speaking at a televised town hall in Derry, New Hampshire, built on an earlier back-and-forth between the two candidates on Twitter and in appearances in the state, which hosts the next party nominating-contest on February 9.


Before Trump’s tweets on Wednesday, Cruz apologized to Carson for the action attributed to one of its staffers, identified as Spence Rogers.

Ben Carson’s campaign manager, Ed Brookover, tried to knock down the rumors Monday night as voting was underway.

Cruz responded to Trump’s threats and complaints, calling the complaints a “Trumpertantrum”.

He also said he had not tried very hard to win Iowa.

Most of those votes went to eventual victor Ted Cruz.

Politico tweeted Cruz as saying, “I wake up every day and laugh at the latest thing Donald has tweeted because he’s losing it”.

Mr Sanders told supporters the results proved he was a viable candidate, and he said: “We’re in this for the long haul”.

The Iowa caucuses themselves did not escape Twitter ridicule. Ted Cruz (Texas) participate in the Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate at the North Charleston Coliseum Jan. 14.

Mr Rubio said he was “grateful” to Iowan voters, who had believed in him when “others didn’t think it was possible”.

President Barack Obama visited a mosque near Baltimore on Wednesday, declaring that attacks on Islam were an attack on all faiths in a move to counter rhetoric from Trump and other Republican candidates that have alienated Muslims.

“What Senator Cruz did to Ben Carson was a disgrace and an insult to Doctor Carson and the process”, he said.

The Cruz campaign did not immediately return a request for comment regarding Trump’s call for a new election.

“I was reasonably happy today until I, you know, discovered the dirty tricks that were going on and people spreading rumors that I had dropped out and that people should caucus for somebody else”.

Trump went on to accuse Cruz of “fraud”, because his campaign sent out mailers alleging that Iowans faced a “voter violation”.

The Iowa results don’t necessarily point to an eventual nominee: Just twice in 40 years has the GOP caucus victor gone on to the claim the nomination in campaigns with no incumbent Republican president. Hogan said as he waited outside Barton Coliseum.

In a response to Breitbart, Cruz campaign spokeswoman Catherine Frazier did not deny the authenticity of the voicemails and said they “are in line with the reports that were made at that time”.


But Santorum, one of Rubio’s new supporters, may have caused a headache for the youthful candidate, who has served less than a single term in the Senate. “I think we would win by a lot”.

Ted Cruz