
Trump accuses Cruz of ‘fraud’, wants Iowa rematch

A previous tweet from Mr Trump accused the Cruz campaign of telling Iowa voters that Ben Carson was quitting the race so he could steal Mr Carson’s votes.


Polls show Sanders leading by double digits in New Hampshire, which neighbours his home state Vermont.

Cruz’s sins began as a grab for more evangelical voters, specifically Carson’s evangelical voters. On Tuesday night in New Hampshire, he told reporters he was “very happy with what happened in Iowa”. On that basis, Trump called for Cruz’s win in Iowa to be nullified and the election done over.

“Unfortunately, they did not then forward the subsequent story, that was Ben’s campaign clarifying that he was continuing the campaign and was not canceling the campaign”, Cruz said.

Donald Trump continues to hold a wide lead among likely Republican primary voters in New Hampshire, according to a new CNN/WMUR tracking poll, with the pack vying for second place is beginning to break up.

That’s not quite how the story was shared by the Cruz campaign, which spread word in Iowa that Carson seemed to be suspending his campaign.

The Cruz campaign said Trump’s fraud complaint was a cry for attention after the senator came from behind in the polls to beat him on Monday.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump’s second-place showing in Iowa raised questions about how well his popularity can survive the voting booth.

At another campaign event in Arkansas on Wednesday night, Mr Trump jabbed at his opponent, claiming that he was dishonest and helped push for the confirmation of USA supreme court chief justice John Roberts, who voted for president Barack Obama’s healthcare law.

Cruz responded Wednesday afternoon to Trump’s Twitter rant.

Carson finished a distant fourth in Monday’s Iowa Caucuses, garnering 9 percent of the vote and finishing behind Ted Cruz, Donald Trump and Marco Rubio. Cruz and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Florida) tied for second at 21 percent apiece.

Trump took to Twitter two days after the caucuses and accused Sen.

“There is no place for this kind of unethical behavior in our American political culture”, Carson said in a statement Tuesday. As loyal Vox readers are aware, the importance of the Iowa caucuses is a social construct, meaning that expectations are key.


Spokesmen for Cruz’s campaign, the Iowa GOP, and the Republican National Committee didn’t immediately return requests for comment.

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