
Trump Advisor Under Investigation After Saying Clinton Should be Executed

“Something’s wrong there. This whole thing disgusts me”, Baldasaro said, before adding that “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason”. Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam.


“Anyone that commits treason should be shot”, Baldasaro told the publication. He has been at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week. He told NBC, “I stand by it because treason is treason”.

Mr. Baldasaro, a retired Marine and Desert Storm veteran, double downed when reached by the Daily Beast following Tuesday’s radio interview. She put people in danger.

When you take classified information on a server that deals with where our State Department, Special Forces, CIA, whatever in other countries, that’s a death sentence for those people if that information gets in the hands of other countries or the terrorists. Rep. Baldasaro described Clinton as “a piece of garbage” and “a disgrace”, whose handling of the attack on USA personnel in Benghazi, Libya, deserved prison time, or worse.

Baldasaro did not immediately respond to email sent seeking comment on Wednesday afternoon.

According to Politico, Secret Service spokesman Robert Hobackis said the agency is aware of Baldasaro’s statement and will “conduct the appropriate investigation”.

She declined to characterize Baldasaro’s role with the campaign or whether he would continue to travel with Trump on occasion.

Together with the RNC, Trump pulled in $52 million in June – his biggest number yet, but still less than the $68.5 million that Democratic contender Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party collected in June, which included $40.5 million she raised directly for her campaign.

He addressed a news conference earlier this year when Trump invited him to help fend off criticism about his lack of transparency regarding funds raised for veterans charities.


Baldasaro isn’t the type to apologize for what he said. You just believe the Liberal Media.

Secret Service investigates Trump advisor who said Clinton should be executed