
Trump after Nevada: We are winning the country

“Now, Trump winning all these primaries has caused establishment Republicans to realize that Trump is winning all these primaries”, Colbert joked.


In Republican contests, candidates are awarded a certain number based on wins and/or percentages of votes obtained in caucuses and primaries. Interestingly, he made a point of repeating that he loves those who are poorly educated.

Rubio captured second place with fewer than 2 000 more votes than Cruz as final vote totals were reported on Wednesday morning.

Nevada marks the first Republican nominating contest in the West and the fourth of the campaign as the candidates try to collect enough delegates to win the party’s nomination at the national convention in July. It’s over 1200 delegates you need to have.

Reports of various irregularities and peculiarities at the Nevada caucuses, including possible double voting and caucus workers in Trump attire, surfaced throughout the evening. [Trump] does have a delegate advantage, but it’s not overwhelming.

But he faces a growing challenge in the South from Rubio, who is trying to emerge as the alternative to Trump and Cruz. “We’re gonna bring in so much money, so much everything”.

“46% with the Hispanics 46%!” said Trump at a caucus night rally Tuesday.

Trump gave a victory speech, saying that despite pundits predicting his campaign would not go far, he is now “winning the country”.

Trump said he is now “winning the country”, and he will pick up more Republican supporters as his rivals drop out of the race. “The Democrats desperately do not want to run against me”. He then spoke of his voter demographic and described them as “Evangelicals, the young, the old, the highly educated, the poorly educate”. He also won over Hispanics. Even with Jeb Bush no longer in the race (though his name is on the ballot), Rubio has an uphill climb Florida’s must-win March 15 primary, although almost one in three Republicans say they might change their minds, 5 percent are undecided and more than one in five say they definitely would not support Trump.


“We are not going to allow the conservative movement to be defined by a nominee who isn’t a conservative”.

It doesn’t stay in Vegas