
Trump aide slams Cruz for downplaying IN after much hype

Cruz approached the Trump fans during a campaign stop in Indiana.


Siddiqui says it’s Sen.

At daybreak Tuesday, Trump was on television rehashing unsubstantiated claims that the Texan’s father, Rafael Cruz, appeared in a 1963 photograph with John F. Kennedy’s assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald – citing a report first published by the National Enquirer.

Pence told CNN he’s solidly behind Cruz.

He said Trump was amoral, a pathological liar, a narcissist and a serial philanderer.

DONALD TRUMP (R), Republican Presidential Candidate: Honestly, if we win in, it’s over.

“I agree with Ronald Reagan when he said the Republican Party is not fraternal order”.

“VOTE TRUMP! Everybody vote Trump”, the Trump supporter yelled. Most said they would support either in November.

Clinton was defeated in the Democratic primary by Bernie Sanders, who had 53 percent of the vote Tuesday evening. The Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll, for example, has Trump ahead by 15 percent. Sanders’ populist message has broken through in several other states in the industrial heartland, including neighboring MI, and he could score an upset that would reinvigorate his demoralized supporters. In a contested convention, these unbound delegates could help put front-runner Donald Trump over the top to reach the 1,237 delegates he needs to win the nomination. But with Republican elites seemingly more and more resigned that Trump will be their nominee, and lacking the appetite for a protracted convention battle, he’d likely be simply delaying the inevitable. And it’s a significant loss for Cruz.

IN has the second-largest delegate haul of the 10 states remaining in the 2016 Republican nominating contest, behind California, which holds its primary on June 7.

Mr Cruz’s advisers had targeted IN as the senator’s best hope of halting Mr Trump’s march to the nomination.

Trump has been on a winning streak since his landslide victories in the NY primary two weeks ago and in last week’s five-state round of voting in the Northeast, which some dubbed the “Acela primary” after the Boston-Washington Amtrak train service.

Trump’s unfavorable numbers are at more than 60% in a recent RealClearPolitics poll average.


FiveThirtyEight is more bullish on Cruz’s chances. Cruz has 565 and Kasich has 153.

Destination Indiana in the presidential primary trail