
Trump Amps Up Trade War With Clinton

“Now it’s time for the American people to take back their future”, Trump said. He has said he will not attend next month’s Republican National Convention in Cleveland, where Trump will be officially named the nominee from an initial running of 17 contenders.


Trump has broken from Republican orthodoxy and embraced a protectionist trade stance that more closely mirrors liberals such as Vermont Sen.

But shouldn’t the United States be taking another long, hard look at a trade deal like NAFTA 20 years after its ratification? “We need more exports- not less”.

“The challenge in responding to Trump is this, which is that the grievances that he identified in a lot of cases are very legitimate ones”, Edward Alden, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations said. Trump threw Sanders’s words back at Clinton, quoting him as saying she has voted “for virtually every trade agreement that has cost the workers of this country millions of jobs”.

“We can’t do waterboarding but they can do chopping off heads, drowning people in steel cages, they can do whatever they want”, he said. Under Mr. Trump, America will withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and will appoint the “toughest and smartest trade negotiators”. But, yes, I’m a free trader.

Trump was asked about his returns in the context of his 2011 promise to release them if President Obama released his birth certificate.

Retired U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Antonio Garza said, in 2015 alone, Texas exported more than $250 billion of goods with nearly $100 billion of that money being earned from Mexico.

“I’ve got it, I understand it, you see the crowds I am getting, nobody has crowds like we have”, Trump told Fox News.

But free trade critics point out her husband, Bill Clinton, was responsible for implementing NAFTA – the first mega-regional trade deal. “I get that – you really are upset about immigration, trade, or feeling that the jobs you had that gave you a good living are gone”.

Trump cited the building’s history, saying that after the company shuttered the Manchester location, jobs went to Mexico and China.

Speaking in the aftermath on the attack on Istanbul airport, Donald Trump said that the Obama administration had been too soft in dealing with extremists.

Maybe Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Trump agree on trade policy more than they disagree.

If Trump has his way, the fights with the Chamber of Commerce, the White House and fellow Republicans will set 2016’s stakes as a referendum on the political status quo – no matter the party in power.

“I think I’m doing great with women”, said Trump.

In a call organised by Democrat Hillary Clinton’s campaign, U.S. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia, a former businessman and tech entrepreneur, said that while the country needed to do a better job protecting workers, more resources should be put into training them for a new economy. “The people who rigged the system for their benefit will do anything and say anything to keep things exactly as they are”.


Trump’s speech was denounced by the Chamber of Commerce, the business lobby which is one of the Republican party’s biggest allies.

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