
Trump and Bush have at each other in dueling town halls

“Are you aware that the term ‘anchor baby, ‘ that’s an offensive term?” His polling numbers are stagnant, he faces continued questions about his family connections, and influential GOP activists remain skeptical of his conservative bona fides.


But Bush denies the charge of mild not-racism, with his campaign insisting he had no knowledge of the memo.

Bush is now making his way through New Hampshire, where Trump is currently leading the state polls.

However, there were no signatories on the memo. Bush is no Trump when it comes to espousing policies that hurt immigrants just to pander to voters.

But in a six-point immigration proposal he released earlier this month, the former Florida governor included a plan to crack down on cities that don’t cooperate with federal authorities on immigration law enforcement.

Porter Gifford/© Porter Gifford/Corbis Presidential candidate Donald Trump said he will keep using the phrase “anchor baby, ‘ despite critics” claim it is offensive.

Bush said he’s confident he will win in New Hampshire and earn the nomination. “OK, you give me, you give me a better term and I’ll use it. I’m serious”, a seemingly agitated Bush said, reports CNN.

I have said I am open to exploring ways we can look at people that are deliberately coming here for purposes of having a child.

Bush’s name recognition and money – see his recent $100 million-plus fundraising haul – have kept him near the top of the Republican pack, where he has saved his most aggressive criticism for Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton for much of the year.

“The term “anchor babies” is mean”, writes Daniel Vasquez for the Sun Sentinel.

Reagan was “a Democrat with a liberal leaning or a liberal bent and became a Republican and a pretty conservative”, Trump said.

This follows another heated line of questioning just last night directed at Donald Trump, the current front-runner in the GOP race.

“I think what people are eventually going to vote for is a proven conservative leader that’s done it”, Bush said. “I didn’t use it as my own language”. Trump this week said he doesn’t believe those children are American citizens, although the Fourteenth amendment to the constitution guarantees them citizenship. Another reporter suggested “children born of undocumented immigrants to the U.S.”, which is not another word, Jeb explained, it’s “like a seven word” thing, and impossible to say. “And, look, I have some personal experience with this as a dad, and it is the most heartbreaking thing in the world to have to go through”.


Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is condemning Republicans for using what it calls hateful rhetoric around immigration, especially for using the term “anchor baby”.

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