
Trump and Clinton campaigns canvassing Mahoning County this weekend

Most polls show Trump trailing Clinton significantly among black voters in particular, though Trump has repeatedly claimed that has strong support from the demographic.


The Real Clear Politics polling average for Georgia has Hillary Clinton with a slight 0.03 percent advantage over Trump.

Here’s the problem for Clinton: Stocks typically experience a seasonal decline in September and October, setting up an unfavorable runup for the former secretary of state to the election on November 8.

The NBC News battleground map suggests Clinton is likely to clinch 288 electoral college votes, above the 270-count threshold needed to win the presidency. According to the poll, neither candidate is regarded favorably by most Americans, and two-thirds of USA adults believe the country is on the wrong track.

According to the U.S. Census, almost a third of voters nationwide cast early ballots in 2012, and that number could go higher this year.

“A Trump victory would be for people whose voices have not been heard in many, many years”, Trump said.

At this critical moment, both the Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns are not spending any money in television advertising here in the commonwealth. If Clinton is still riding high as we move through September, she will start racking up votes, not just favorable news cycles.

A number of Clinton supporters – including former U.S. Rep. Mark Schauer, a Democrat – also made an appearance outside the venue, alleging that Donald Trump would be a “disaster” for MI if he was elected.

“The establishment media… will take words of mine out of context and spend a week obsessing over every single syllable, and then pretend to discover some hidden meaning in what I said”, Trump said.

Mr Boxt said: “It would be inconceivable to me that someone like Hillary Clinton, who obviously is a global actor, who has strong relationships with leaders around the world.(wouldn’t) seek to assure all of her friends and allies around the world that we are not a nation of insane people”. Early voting favors candidates with sophisticated turnout operations and modern data and analytics.

Trump and his running mate Mike Pence are in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, this morning, touring flood damage and meeting with residents there. Once voters begin casting their ballots, improving poll numbers become less valuable with each passing day.


That’s probably not a good thing to some voters, but maybe #BetterPOTUSCandidates represents a way to cope.

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