
Trump and Clinton not as sure a bet now | The Auditor

Kasich is running a distant third.


The events in neighboring states underscored the unpredictability of the race for the delegates who will choose the presidential nominees. A more obtainable goal, for now, is trying to stop Trump from winning a majority of delegates.

“We came out about as good as we could ask for”, said Alan Ray, who sits on Cruz’s S.C. leadership committee. GOP leaders in District 19, which includes most of Lee and a portion of Collier County, meet to decide delegates Thursday in Bonita Springs. The once-large field of GOP candidates in the 2016 race and Trump’s wildcard candidacy also feed into this year’s uncertainty.

While voters in other states registered their support for a presidential candidate, Republicans in Colorado could only vote for county-level delegates. And, of course, Rubio himself has not endorsed the Texas man.

“You have only one choice. They’re not voting Trump”, he said.

In the run-up to the California primary, Cruz has been recruiting volunteers in the state for months, while the Kasich campaign began organizing more recently.

What’s at stake this weekend; who will represent MI in the nomination process of a republican presidential candidate at the national convention in Cleveland?

He said it was “amusing” to see the Democratic front-runner join New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo this past week to celebrate a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15, noting that she supports raising the federal minimum wage to only $12.

“Cruz is ahead of everyone on this”, Republican election lawyer Ben Ginsberg said, describing Cruz’s aggressive but quiet delegate strategy as “equally important” to the actual votes.

“Anyone who can’t tell the difference between our friends and our enemies, who can’t tell the difference between Israel and Islamic terrorists who want to kill us – that raises real questions about their fitness and judgment to be commander in chief”, Cruz said.

The initial Saturday caucuses all over the state include one for St. Louis city at the Casa Loma Ballroom, 3354 Iowa Ave. “Dozens of volunteers have been working since December” in Colorado, said Congressman Ken Buck, who’s chairing Cruz’s Colorado campaign.


Even though Trump has such a wide lead over his political opponents, he wasn’t the the most likely to hold the Republican base in the November general election. When Democrats are included in the poll result, negatives for both candidates skyrocket. They’re now paying it back by refusing to get on board with his presidential bid even as he emerges as the likeliest alternative to businessman Donald Trump following a commanding win Tuesday night in Wisconsin. That could be a problem for Trump, who could end up with delegates who are required to vote for him on the first ballot, but can switch to someone else on subsequent ballots should they desire.

Is America awake yet?