
Trump and Clinton use merchandise to wage attacks on each other

Clinton’s argument that Trump is ill-prepared to be commander in chief has been bolstered by a flood of Republican national security experts who have chosen to back the Democratic nominee instead of their own party’s pick.


U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Wednesday laid out his hawkish defense plan which would allow the spending of billions of extra U.S. dollars to expand every branch of the military, pledging an end to mandatory budget caps.

Traffic cop or truth detector?

One challenge for Lauer was that he was under pressure to get through a number of topics on national security and veterans in a short period of time.

One day after announcing he would expand every aspect of our military, Trump took on another important issue – education – in OH, a state vital for Republicans hoping to call the White House home.

Matt Lauer at NBC’s “Commander-in-Chief Forum” on Wednesday in New York City. Even NBC’s executives reportedly feel that Lauer’s performance was subpar and giving late night talk hosts plenty of fodder for their opening monologues. The comic, impersonating Russian leader Vladimir Putin, commended Lauer for his work at the forum. Now all eyes on the presidential debate.

Others consider that a dereliction of duty.

“As the campaign unfolds, each candidate is learning how to overcome particular problems”, said Darrell M. West, vice president and director of governance studies at the Brookings Institution. It’s a subtle difference.

Lauer interviewed each candidate for 30 minutes, but he did not use his time effectively.

Meanwhile, Lauer didn’t bother interrupting Trump, even when he flat-out lied to his face about his support for the Iraq War. “I was totally against the war in Iraq”, the anthropomorphic caramelized creme brulee asserted, despite the fact that he did in fact voice support for the invasion of Iraq, but that was waaaay back before he made a decision to run for President, so it doesn’t count!

Clinton will look to draw attention to some of her policy platforms in the coming weeks by delivering a series of “Stronger Together” speeches around the new book that she and running mate Tim Kaine published this week, Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s spokeswoman, said Thursday.

Rogan noted that both candidates had to explain statements they made in the forum the following day.

“Trump wants to be flexible, but he’s come off looking like a lightweight”, Mr. Yepsen.

“I have a plan” said Trump. Through July, Kessler had investigated the truth of 52 claims by Trump and awarded “four Pinocchios” to 33 of them, meaning they were “whoppers”.

Lauer grilled Clinton particularly hard about that email server that has not yet led to the Earth opening up and swallowing us whole, but is somehow the most atrocious act committed by any presidential candidate on the history of this planet, so thanks a lot Colin Powell.

I can’t believe any one with an ounce of brains doesn’t understand this. Trump also told Time magazine earlier this month that “certain moderators would be unacceptable”.


So much is a judgment call in the moment. One asked who they were doing this for, and they told her, but it was a man she didn’t know, and therefore doesn’t remember. “There’s no such thing as a perfectly moderated debate”.

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