
Trump and Jeb Bush spar over 9 11 attacks

When interviewer Stephanie Ruhle told Trump, “Hold on, you can’t blame George Bush for that”, Trump refused to back down. I’m not blaming anybody, but the World Trade Center came down so when he said we were safe, we were not safe.


Bush immediately went on the counterattack, accusing Trump of not taking the possibility of his becoming president as serious as he should be.

“With that being said, I’m not blaming George Bush”. During his term in office, the World Trade Center came down. “We’ve reached one million people and we’re in fifth place nationally?” said one Bush supporter. “It was one of the greatest – probably the greatest catastrophe ever in this country”, the Republican presidential hopeful said. “I only say that he was the president at the time, and you know, you could say the buck stops here”.

Donald Trump said Sunday his “extremely tough” immigration policies would have prevented the September 11, 2001, attacks if he had been president of the United States. “Not boning up on the issues, not having a broad sense of the responsibilities of what it is to be a president”, Bush said.

It is a rule of all presidential campaigns that they must get derailed from time to time by irrelevant ephemera from decades ago, and the 2016 campaign is no different. “We’re under grave threats again, and I think we need a president with a steady hand”, Bush said.

When asked by a reporter after a rally at a local high school if he thought the attacks were George W. Bush’s fault, Trump, after pausing to listen to the question, walked away.

Yet when Tapper questioned why a similar argument wasn’t being used to defend Hillary Clinton against the ongoing Benghazi probe, Bush questioned whether or not the State Department had adequately secured an American diplomatic compound in Libya in 2012.

Donald Trump used Twitter to continue to attack Bush. “He wants Social Security for illegal immigrants, he wants education for illegal immigrants, he wants drivers licenses, he wants everything for people that aren’t even legal in the country”.


Bush continued to criticize Trump’s comments on foreign policy on CNN’s morning news program and mentioned the show Trump previously hosted, “The Apprentice”.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush tours Step Bionics & Prosthetics in Manchester New Hampshire