
Trump and Putin Have ‘Never’ Spoken

“It’s okay to go out here and load your mouth up and say stuff and say, ‘Yeah we are going to come to your aid, we’re going to provide you arms, we’re going to come out and do all these things”. But I’m not there.


Trump says he got a letter from the National Football League pleading with him to reschedule the debates.

What Trump, in that word salad, calls the “certain way” that Putin is in Crimea is called annexation, enforced by the Russian army.

Donald Trump took to Twitter on Monday in an attempt to clear up a statement he made on ABC’s “This Week” that Russian Federation was “not going to go into Ukraine”. It’s the part where he echoes Russian propaganda about Crimea, saying that the Crimeans really wanted to be part of Russia and not Ukraine.

The Kremlin has said the allegations that Moscow was behind the hacking of Democratic Party emails are part of a cover-up created to hide the fact that the United States election campaign had been manipulated.

He explained that when he said Russian Federation wouldn’t move into Ukraine, he was referring to a time when he is president.

“I recognize that flexibility and creativity might actually be good selling used cars and selling real estate, but when you want to be the head of an worldwide superpower, precision and consistency are really important”, Hayden told CNN’s Erin Burnett. “And now you have people in the Ukraine, who knows, set up or not, but it can’t all be set up”. The watering down of the anti-Russia language in the GOP platform and Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s extensive history with ousted Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych have only added to the suspicion that something fishy is going on. “And you have to look at that, also… just so you understand, that was done under Obama’s administration”. Pence, doing his well-practiced imitation of a country vicar saddened by the discovery of sin in his parish, said with sorrowful solemnity: “I don’t think name calling has any place in public life”.

“As far as I’m concerned, I want to get along with China”.

Donald Trump was busy building skyscrapers with his Lincoln Logs during that lesson. Yet the Republican nominee for president is now endorsing appeasement in Ukraine. Heavy artillery, anti-aircraft batteries, heavy machine guns, small arms, intelligence capabilities and military personnel have all been sent across the porous Russia-Ukraine border to sustain separatist defensive lines from any Ukrainian government counter-attack.

Senator Jeff Sessions, a supporter of Trump, criticised Clinton for leaving her email system vulnerable to Russian penetration and defended Trump’s comments. “But it shouldn’t surprise us”. This comes on the heels of his tacit invitation to the Russians to invade our North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies in Eastern Europe.

“I have no relationship to – with him”.

Trump has faced serious questions about his relationship Vladimir Putin, whom he has lavished praised on in the past, after a number of Russia-based cyberattacks that were highly damaging to Hillary Clinton.

But when Putin says good things and when we have a possibility of having a good relationship with Russian Federation…


“They softened it, I heard, but I was not involved”, Trump responded.

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting of Russian ambassadors in Moscow Russia