
Trump Appeals for African-American, Hispanic Votes

Omarosa Manigault is now his director of African-American outreach.


Trump is unpopular with black voters and perceived by many as hostile to their community. Ben Carson. As a black Republican who criticizes the GOP for ignoring black voters, I hope Trump visits more black neighbourhoods and exposes the “Con Job” Democrats have been playing on blacks for decades.

Trump, who hadn’t been expected to speak, was subdued in his 10-minute address to the congregation and read from prepared remarks at the mostly empty church after members of the public were kept out by security guards, according to media reports.

African-American community leaders, in particular, have railed against Mr Trump’s dire depictions of minority life and dismissed his message as intended more to reassure white voters that he is not racist than to help communities of colour.

Even though that was the first black church Trump has visited since his campaign began, he thought of a way to use it to his advantage.

“I believe that Trump coming to Detroit is a joke, and I’m ashamed of the pastor who invited him”, she said. I mean, God created this.

Trump told the congregation that he wanted to “help you build and rebuild Detroit”, which has suffered in recent years from population loss, extensive poverty, high unemployment and urban blight. “I’m going to get things done”. Speaking softly, he invoked the civil rights movement and Abraham Lincoln. Each presidential election since Lyndon B. Johnson was elected in 1964, Democrats have campaigned to fix these problems plaguing blacks, yet they only exacerbate and perpetuate them.

As scores of protesters outside chanted “No justice, no peace”, Trump said he wanted to make Detroit – a predominantly African-American city which recently emerged from bankruptcy – the economic envy of the world by bringing back companies from overseas. “We talk past each other, not to each other, and those who seek office do not do enough to step into the community and learn what is going on”. The New York Times obtained a leaked copy of the questions Jackson planned to ask and the responses Trump’s aides had crafted for him.

“With each passing Trump attack, it becomes clearer that his strategy is just to say about Hillary Clinton what’s true of himself”, Clinton spokeswoman Jennifer Palmieri said.

“This is a prayer shawl straight from Israel”.

“What do you have to lose?” he said, addressing African Americans in a speech in OH less than two weeks ago to an overwhelmingly white audience. “And anointing is the power of God”, Jackson said. Whenever you’re flying from coast to coast – I know you just came back from Mexico and you’ll be flying from city to city – there is an anointing.


After leaving church, Trump took a tour of Dr. Trump later paid a quick visit to Carson’s childhood home on South Deacon Street in southwest Detroit.

Some Detroit blacks not rolling out welcome mat for Trump